How’s it going paying off your credit card debt?

I know. It’s the last thing you wanna talk about.

But, it’s always there. It keeps you up at night. And, it distracts you during the day.

It’s overwhelming. Depressing. Anxiety-inducing.

And, it’s not going away.

You’ve tried tracking your expenses in Mint, Every Dollar or You Need a Budget. That’s helpful. But tracking only goes so far.

You need to move beyond a financial snapshot that only tells you if you survived another month.

You need a better plan.

A plan that takes you from where you are in this moment to where you wanna be in six months, six years and sixteen years.

Inside my three month financial coaching partnership, we create a step-by-step plan to connect your everyday financial decisions with your longer term goals.

A plan that puts you in control and gives you unmessable-with confidence.

Say goodbye to mental math. Say goodbye to tracking. Say goodbye to confusion, overwhelm and anxiety.

Learn to trust yourself with money and pay off debt for the last time.