

Amy Scott
Financial Coaching & Consulting 

Are you ready to feel financial relief?

Are you ready to feel financial relief?

If you feel like you're simultaneously obsessing about money AND avoiding money, I see you. If you're making great money, but you don't know where it's going, I see you. If you don't put your bills on auto pay because you're scared the money won't be in your checking...

Why These Debt Payoff Methods Don’t Work

Why These Debt Payoff Methods Don’t Work

I don't give a shit what social media says. There's nothing wrong with paying down debt by: rounding up monthly credit card payments; putting bonuses, tax refunds or extra paychecks toward credit card balances; doing 0% balance transfers; getting a debt consolidation...

A Plan for the “Messy Middle”

A Plan for the “Messy Middle”

You need a PLAN that connects where you are today with your future goals. A visual plan you can reference and use to guide your choices every day. Not an annual plan. Not a plan that helps you budget month to month. A fluid plan that lets you pivot. A plan that...

Stop Tracking. Start Planning.

Stop Tracking. Start Planning.

An excel sheet tracking your income and expenses is a snapshot. It's not a budget. It's like stepping on a scale and seeing a number. It's nice information to have, but it doesn't help you lose weight. Tracking your expenses tells you where your money went. But you...

How Would You React?

How Would You React?

If your friend came to you and was overwhelmed with financial stress, how would you react? Would you be judgmental or irritated? I don't know about you, but I extend WAY more compassion and understanding toward my friends than I do toward myself. Even when my friends...

What if you only need to figure one thing out?

What if you only need to figure one thing out?

If you want to pay off debt for good, you need to learn to follow a plan. If you're thinking, "Great! Give me the plan!" I can help you. I just need you to be patient. Because learning to follow a plan takes patience. I teach my clients to slow down. Moving too...

Your Budget is Failing You

Your Budget is Failing You

Everyone told you to track your expenses. So, you tracked them, and you thought that was budgeting. But it didn’t work. A spreadsheet full of tracked expenses just tells you where your money went. You need a plan to tell your money where to GO. You’ve been sold a lie...

Wanna wipe out your debt & start over?!

Wanna wipe out your debt & start over?!

Wanna wipe out your debt & start over?! 💰 Sounds great, right?! The only catch is that even if all of your debt were paid off, you'd most likely fall back into debt again. IYKYK. If you want to get out of debt for good, you need to learn to follow a plan for your...

You’re paying off credit card debt the wrong way.

You’re paying off credit card debt the wrong way.

How's it going paying off your credit card debt? Do you pay it down, only to have it creep back up? If you feel like you're fighting a battle you'll never win, then guess what? You're doing it wrong. I'm guessing you're using your credit cards for all of your everyday...

GPS for Your Finances

GPS for Your Finances

Most of us use GPS to calculate the fastest way to our destination. We usually don't hop in the car and "wing it" to our end point, hoping we'll magically make it to where we want to go. But with our finances, we're surviving without GPS!! And, it's causing stress,...